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Premiul I la Faza naţională a Concursului de produse de proiect MADE FOR EUROPE

Colegiul Naţional “Octavian Goga” a câştigat premiul I la Faza naţională a Concursului de produse de proiect MADE FOR EUROPE  defăşurat la Constanţa, în perioada 11-14 aprilie 2018. Colegiul nostru a fost reprezentat de elevul Vidrean Aurel din clasa a XI-a I, care a prezentat publicaţia “Educational Apps Enhancing Motivation.” Ghidul methodologic interactiv în limba […]


Our work on the Erasmus+ project

Our Erasmus + project has had a double purpose: on the one hand, to expose all students and teachers to the topic of “sustainable consumption and production” and have them reflect upon its various aspects (Waste Management, Deforestation and Soil Erosion, Air and Water Pollution, Harmful Chemical Substances and Sustainable Economy) with the aim of […]


Erasmus+ Italy Meeting – March 2017

In March 2017, the Erasmus+ project continued with another international meeting organised by the Italian school “Enrico Fermi”, from Vittoria, Sicily, on the topic of “Sustainable economic growth for the future of Europe”. The Romanian team’s visit to our Italian partners started with a short stay in Catania, the second largest city in Sicily, where […]


Projekt am Goga-Lyzeum

Das letzte Projekt ihres sechsmonatigen Aufenthalts in Rumänien, das die deutsche Freiwillige Johanna Frankenberger am Hermannstädter Goga-Lyzeum durchgeführt hat, war zum Thema Mülltrennung mit der 11.-E-Klasse. Die Jugendlichen haben für ein gemeinsames Frühstück sowohl mit viel, als auch mit wenig Verpackung eingekauft. Nachdem geklärt wurde, wie man nicht nur besser für die Umwelt, sondern auch […]


Learning about the concept of ”sustainable economy”

As we are preparing for our last meeting on the topic of “Sustainable Economic Growth for the Future of Europe” we have asked for specialist help from the Faculty of Economic Sciences,  of “Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu. Ms Silvia Marginean, Faculty Dean, kindly agreed to help us with this task. Our educational partners were gave […]


Broșura interactivă Erasmus+

”Sustainable Matters” este broșura interactivă a proiectului Erasmus+. Pentru a vizualiza, click aici  11,183 total views,  1 views today Mircea Cătăliș


Colegiul Naţional “Octavian Goga” se preocupă de problemele de mediu în cadrul unui proiect Erasmus+

Colegiul Naţional “Octavian Goga” participă începând din septembrie 2015 la Proiectul de Parteneriat Strategic între şcoli “Sustainable Consumption and Production”, proiect cu finaţare europeană din cadrul Programului Erasmus +, Acţiunea Cheie 2. Proiectul reuneşte elevi şi profesori din şase ţări europene: Estonia, Franţa, Italia, Spania, Turcia şi România şi are ca scop educarea participanţilor în […]


Estonia meeting

What can be more beautiful than to travel, explore new places, find out how other people in this world live? With our hearts beating fast and our minds dreaming of the things we would do there, we, a group of nine Romanians (six students and three teachers), set off towards Tallinn, Estonia. Unfortunately, we arrived […]


Sibiu Project Meeting, day by day

Sibiu Meeting – Day 1 Wednesday, March 30th brought for the students from Octavian Goga College, Sibiu, involved in the Erasmus + project, a series of special surprises, after welcoming the participants from the 5 partner  countries. We had been preparing for this special visit for a long time and it was now the moment to […]


Project Meeting Erasmus+ (Sibiu, 30 martie – 3 aprilie 2016)

Pregătiri pentru vizita de lucru a partenerilor de proiect din Franța, Spania, Estonia, Italia și Turcia (galerie foto) [huge_it_gallery id=”3″] Vizita de lucru (30.03 – 3.04.2016) – imagini de la prezentări, workshop-uri, excursii, alte activități [huge_it_gallery id=”2″]  11,970 total views,  1 views today Mircea Cătăliș